The Presales Custom Field is required for the PreSkale-Freshsales Integration to function seamlessly. Any presales assigned to a deal within the CRM, the deal will reflect back within PreSkale instantaneous.
If a Presales field already exists, please do share the Internal Name with us. However, if a new Presales field has to be created do follow the below steps.
Step 1: Navigate to Admin Settings and Select Deals under the CRM Modules and Automation.
Step 2: Select Add Field to add the new Presales Custom Fields and Select Dropdown
Step 3: If your users don't have Freshworks License, Please select the Dropdown as the Field Type, Update the Field Label as PreSales, add the Choices with the list of users, and Save the Field.
If your users have Freshworks License, Please select the Lookup as the Field Type, Update the Field Label as PreSales and Save the Field.
Do reach out to us if you need assistance with anything via Slack or email to