1. What is a Module? Why should we manage modules and customer interactions with it?

A Module can be defined as a self-contained unit of functionality that performs a specific task or a set of related tasks within the overall Product. Modules are designed to be modular, meaning they can be developed, tested, deployed, and maintained independently, promoting flexibility and scalability for the specific module within the product.

By managing Modules, we can understand how customers receive our product. Ensuring their needs are met, allowing for targeted improvements and updates, enhances user experience, and ultimately leading to a more successful product.


2. What are features? How are they related to Modules?

Features represent specific functionalities or capabilities that are offered to the users. They are the visible and interactive components of your product that fulfill specific user needs or requirements. A group of features work together to successfully complete a specific task or multiple related tasks within the product, these features can be categorised under the same module.

3. How to Add a New Module and Feature in PreSkale?

Note: Only the PreSkale Admin and Manager has access to managing modules and features.

Navigate to Libraries on the left navigation bar, and select "Manage Modules and Features".

The left panel within Manage Modules and Features help managing the modules and features of your product. The data managed here will reflect in both Solutions manager and Product Gap Manager within a deal.

To add a new module and related feature, Select the '+' Icon on top of the Manage Modules and Features panel. On selection, in the right side panel, you can, (as seen in the screenshot below)

1. Create a new Module
2. Enable or Disable the Module

3. Add new Features

Once the Features are added, you can edit the feature's name, and also enable or disable it.

4. How can a user manage product gaps in this section?

Based on the selected module and feature on the left panel, the right panel will display the list of product gaps. The list also includes information on the number of active and total use-cases, average active pulse score, status of the product gap and associated JIRA ticket.

Product gap can be defined as the disparity between customer needs or market demands and the features within a product, highlighting areas for improvement or innovation to better meet user expectations and maximize product market success.

To add new or edit previously added product gaps, the '+' icon and the 'pen' icon can be used respectively. The users can add new product gaps, edit product gap's name, edit status, associate a JIRA ticket and enable or disable it.

4. How to associate a JIRA ticket to a Product Gap?

Managers/ Product / Admins user roles also have the accessibility to associate JIRA ticket to a Product gap from within this section. Users can create a new JIRA ticket or associate a previously created ticket from within this view.

Adding to that, if the PreSkale app is installed in JIRA, all use-cases associated to a ticket can be accessed within the JIRA ticket itself. 

4. What is Active and Resolved status in Product gaps?

As and when the users start adding the product gaps, these requests will be picked up and resolved by the product/engineering team. Once the request has been developed and the pain-point is solved, the same can be updated for the specific product gap.

Through this, the reporting displayed on Product gaps would represent an accurate version of the product and old product gaps get resolved. Also, the deals that were associated to this product gap can be noted down and account executives can reach back to the customer, potentially reviving the deals.