Working with RAM

  1. Once a sales owner completes the RRF form and requests a resource, the deal will reflect back on Resource Assignment Manager (RAM).

  2. On the New Resource Requests queue, the list of all resource-requested deals is visible.

  3. On the right panel, the manager has access to the deal information, assignment analytics, and RRF data. The Manager also gets suggestions on the best resource based on industry and region.

  4. Once a resource is assigned by the Manager in Resouce Assignment Manager (RAM), the sales owner and presales owner will receive an email notification. 

Metrics in Assignment Analytics Table

  1. Utilization Rate: Presales are required to connect their calendar. The time-tagged on the calendar is compared with 8 hour work week (40 hours per week) to share the presales utilization.

  2. Newly Assigned Deals: New deals assigned to the presales in the given time period ( This Month and This Quarter Filtering)

  3. Active Deals: All active deals associated with the given presales owner.
  4. Number of deals with the given AE: Total deals between the presales owner and the sales owner.
  5. Conversion with the given AE: Total conversion rate between the presales owner and the sales owner.
  6. ARPU (Average Revenue Per Unit): Average Deal value managed by the presales owner.

Check the video below for a quick overview of RAM and RRF,