1. How to Manage Tasks in Workbook? What is a Task manager?

All open and overdue tasks are visible in the workbook. Users have the ability to create, assign, edit, and delete tasks from within the dashboard. Using the filtering options in the workbook, Users can manage upcoming open and overdue tasks with ease.

2. How to create Tasks in Workbook?

Step 1: In the Task panel in the workbook, click on the ‘Add New’ Button 

Step 2: Update the Task information in the Text box,

  • Tag Account and Opportunity 

  • Description (Type in the task description)

  • Due Date (Users must select a due date for the task to be created)

Step 3: Select the user to whom the task is assigned to and the due date. 
Note: An email notification will be sent out to the if the Task is assigned to a different user instantly.

Step 4: Click on 'Add Button' to create the new task


Dustin Litttle is the PreSales for the Stripe opportunity. Dustin can create and assign a new task to collect user feedback over email to Ash and sets the due date as Apr 18, 2024.

Note: Ash would have received an email notification about the task and when she logs into PreSkale on Apr 18, 2024, she'll receive the task reminder in the daily email digest and this task in the workbook.

3. What are the actions that can be done on a task?

Users have the following action icons,

1️⃣    View opportunity - Users can click on this icon to open the deal presentation view

2️⃣   Complete Tasks - Users can click on this icon to mark the task as completed.

3️⃣   Edit Tasks - Users can click on this icon to edit the task description and due date.

4️⃣   Delete Tasks - Users can click on this icon to delete tasks.